Our Planet is in transition, in evolution, it is transcending… We are also in transition. There are so many changes going on at this moment on the Earth. An Evolution of the physical and the ethereal world. Everything is transcending towards a new reality and our Awareness is expanding more and more.

The exponential evolution can be easily seen in technology, but we are also experiencing the same accelerating evolution in our Conscious.

We are growing in spite of our own resistance to changes and our attachment to the past…

The Challenge of Change 

The attachment to what we know and resistance to change are very much present in the human being.
Personally, it did cost me a lot to unlearn, forget and absolve  what I learnt. The many years of studies to achieve a command of drawing and realistic painting in order to be able to currently dedicate myself to abstract art… Finally the inner need to change and evolve become stronger.

The New Energy now present on earth is out of sync with old nostalgies, obsolete rules and stagnation. There is a drive towards change. There is acceleration and movement. 

Our planet is renewing itself. 

And I feel the need for a radical change in my painting as well as in other aspects of my life.
The need to express the flow, the liberation and the transition. To voice what I feel and not what I know, not what I learnt, not what is trendy or considered as “vanguard,” as they call it. 

 Emerging from the Chaos

Emerging to a new reality

From Chaos to OrderUnity and Harmony, from Darkness to Light, Transparency and Truth appearance, falseness, and manipulation can’t be sustained any more. We feel more needs to live and to express our truth, to raise our awareness.

As the old order is not receiving energetical support any more soon it will have to give way to the new.